Article: Acoustica, Inc. Releases Mixcraft Recording Studio 2.5


Acoustica Mixcraft Ver. 2.5

(Acoustica Inc, Oakhurst, CA, (February 15, 2006) - Acoustica Inc. has released Mixcraft Ver. 2.5

Mixcraft 2.5 is getting rave reviews from podcasters and internet DJs. When it comes to creating audio sound scapes, you want to focus on the audio and not how to use the software. Acoustica focuses on ease of use and it’s motto is “Software should be easy to use!” This new update uses a brand new time stretching and pitch shifting technology created by zplane.development. Take any sound and make it 25% shorter or 400% longer without altering the pitch! (Just say no to chipmunks.) This technology makes it easy to squeeze the right time out of any clip. DJs can use it to seamlessly cross fade songs without skipping a beat. Or if you need to sing or play along with a song and you need it to be a half step lower, just lower the pitch of the song without changing the tempo!

"Mixcraft is a great piece of software; the best you'll ever get for the price, and probably better than a lot of more expensive "professional" programs. I'm basically a one girl band; singing, guitars, I needed software that could overlay several recordings. I stumbled upon Mixcraft and I love it, all I need now is Beatcraft to put the finishing touches to my recordings. Mixcraft is powerful but simple to use, gives you good effects options and once's cheap! Big thanks to everyone at Acoustica: if I'm ever famous for my music it's down to you." – Raven NW England

Link to MP3 example of new time stretching and pitch shifting!

Requirements: Pentium II-400, Win95/98/NT/2K/ME/XP, 128 MB Ram, Soundcard, (Microphone is optional)

Retail Price: $39.95 US ESD $49.95 US Retail DVD Case

Acoustica was founded in 1998 and is located in the foothills of the Yosemite Valley. Acoustica's mission is to create high quality, intuitive and powerful software. We value diligence, creativity and innovation. To ensure maximum customer satisfaction, we provide multiple levels of support and availability. At Acoustica, the customer comes first!

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